Your Weekly San Francisco Club Update: March 20, 2023
Dear Member,
Welcome to your second edition of The Quad, your Club newsletter that covers all things happening at the Bay Club, plus a little extra. Loving it? Not loving it? Hit reply and let us know!
We love to shine a light on one of our very own. Congratulations to Charlie Johnson for being awarded the 2023 USOPC Developmental Coach of the Year by US Squash.
Charlie has been with the The Bay Club Company since 2013 and has been an instrumental part of our squash culture and community. Prior to Bay Club, Charlie was (and still is) a World Tour Player, and at one point ranked #132 in the world and #1 in California.
President and CEO of US Squash, Kevin Klipstein, shares that Charlie has “been pivotal to the growth of squash on the West Coast to the point that California now accounts for the largest number of players participating in the US Junior Championships.”
Thank you, Charlie, for creating such a welcoming and successful squash program here. Please join us in saying a huge congratulations to him!
Monthly Mentions
Calling All Campers
Spring Break Camps are just around the corner, and a few spots are still available! Plus, summer registration is open. Our fun, sporty, creative, and educational camps will be sure to please. Enroll Now.
Perks are a Perkin’
Have you shopped for your Quays yet? Don’t miss the chance to save 25% on our favorite Australian sunnies brand. We swear by their blue light glasses. Protect your baby blues (or browns!). Incredible style + amazing quality. Most retail for around $55. Happy Shopping!
Bullies for the Win!
After a 31-year winning streak, Labrador’s must step aside as we usher in a new favorite dog breed in the U.S.–the French Bulldog! Cute as it could be, playful, and loyal (one may or may not be sitting at my feet as I write). We at the Bay Club love all our furry friends, but we have a soft spot for Bullies. Congrats to the Frenchie!
Ponder This
“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected”.
If you outwardly appreciate those around you, keep it up. Not a strong suit of yours? Extend some appreciation today and see how good it feels.
Things We’re Loving
All things Hu! Have you tried a chocolate bar from Hu? Decadent and crave-worthy, yet simple. No weird ingredients (goodbye palm oil and soy lecithin); hello organic fair-trade cacao + organic fair-trade cocoa butter!
We will always treat ourselves and our kiddos, but let’s do it the right way. So many flavors to choose from–we love Salty and the Cashew Butter with Orange Vanilla. You can find Hu at your local grocery stores. I tend to buy in bulk from Thrive Markets–big savings!
Reminder: we are not affiliated with Hu or Thrive Markets. We just love to share good info to keep our modern families healthy and in the know.
A Little T.L.C.
There is so much information out there regarding our health and wellness. We will always try to take one topic and make it a bit more understandable. Today’s feature is fasting! Fasting is a great way to optimize your health. Our bodies can literally heal themselves if we activate them properly. One of the best ways to activate our healing systems is to change WHEN we eat.
Ok, so let’s talk fasting. A lot of terms are thrown around in this arena, so let’s break down a few of them: Time Restricted Eating, Intermittent Fasting, and the Fasting Mimicking Diet.
Time Restricted Eating means you eat within an 8, 10, 12-hour window each day. You do not eat or drink anything (except water, decaf tea, or maybe a black coffee) outside of that window.
True Intermittent Fasting is doing a 24-36 hour fast once a week, or a 3-day fast monthly.
And then there is the Fasting Mimicking Diet, which restricts calories for a certain period of time. An example would be eating 800 calories a day for 5 days. My personal favorite fasting nutrition program is Prolon.
Net-net, there are a lot of benefits to fasting, but you need to try things and decide what works for you. If you are interested in learning more from a trusted source, I highly recommend listening to this episode with Mark Hyman, my favorite Functional Medicine Doctor.
Bird’s Eye View
Bay Club San Francisco:
What’s Happening at the Club This Week?
Squash Round Robin
Friday | 5:00 pm-9:00 pm
Spring Basketball Leagues
Starting Tuesday, April 4
There are only 7 more days to enroll in Spring Basketball Leagues. Enroll Here!
3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
Saturday, March 25
Email basketball.bcsf@bayclubs.com to enroll your team!
Small Group Training
Semi-private, 4-week program demos starting this week and ongoing. New sign-ups are still welcome! Enroll in Bay Club Connect.
Beyond Bootcamp with Coach Donald Tiejten
Tuesdays and Thursdays | 7:30 pm
Elevate with Coach David C
Mondays 5:00 pm | Wednesdays 5:30 pm 7:30 pm
Skillz & Drillz with Coach Carlos
Mondays 5:00 pm | Saturdays 12:30 pm
Come out to our adult basketball clinic. See you soon!
Fit & Furious with Sierra
Mondays and Wednesdays | 8:15 am
Self Defense by the Numbers with Master Morris
Tuesdays and Thursdays | 6:30 pm
Bay Club Daily Class and Workout Schedule | The Bay Club (bayclubs.com)
Personal Training:
-Get closer to finding your best self today. Offering one-on-one, small group, and partner training in sports performance, athletic conditioning, weight loss, strength, martial arts, boxing, and more! Ask Kenny to book your free custom session by emailing Kenny.Lorenzetti@bayclubs.com.
-Book a Private Pilates Session with one of our certified, veteran coaches, Teresa. Email for more details: Kenny.Lorenzetti@bayclubs.com.
New Group Exercise Classes:
Posture and Function
Saturdays | 12:00 pm
Work on ergonomic training with Armed Forces veteran, Coach Donald Tietjen, to help restore your posture to its natural state. Be prepared to use tools like bands, body weight, TRX, and foam rollers.
Beast Flow with Coach Edward
Mondays | 7:00 am
This non-traditional flow that focuses on postures and movements will challenge your balance, flexibility, mobility, and coordination.
New: Beginner Adult | Aquatics Course
Tuesdays and Thursdays | 6:15 pm–7:05 pm | Bay Club San Francisco
Enroll in Connect. Can be found under “plan a visit”, then select Bay Club San Francisco. Space is limited, and you must be registered to join. Please email Janelle Slightam at Janelle.Slightam@bayclubs.com if you have any questions.
Save the Dates:
Spring Basketball Leagues
Starting Tuesday, April 4
Enrollment closes March 27. Enroll Here!
Mommy’s Mingle at Bay Club Gateway
Saturday, April 8 | 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Drop your kids off at Kids’ Night Out before heading to a fun night with the other Bay Club Mommies!
Youth Basketball Skills Clinics
Saturdays and Sundays in April | 1:00 pm-2:00 pm
Open to ages 7-12. Enroll your child on Bay Club Connect.
Bay Club Gateway:
Kids Programming Expo
Saturday, March 25 | 12:00 pm-4:00 pm
We have so much to offer your kids at Bay Club, from Junior Academy Tennis to aquatics instruction, to camps, and more! Come out and learn more about our programs.
Spring Session Junior Tennis Academy
Registration is now open! Classes for juniors of all ages and levels available. Register via Bay Club Connect or email Daniel.McClintic@bayclubs.com for more information.
Aquatics at Bay Club Gateway
Master’s Swim
We added another morning practice on Fridays from 7:00 am-8:00 am. Walk-ins only!
Swim Safe Clinics at Bay Club Gateway
Have you registered your child for April swim school or swim team yet? There is still plenty of room!
Swim Safe Clinic
Thursdays | 5:30 pm-6:00 pm
Designed to help your child work on their freestyle, treading, and endurance so they can be safe and comfortable at the club pool this summer! Register for classes on Connect.
Private Lessons
Please email Aquatics Director, Janelle Slightam at Janelle.Slightam@bayclubs.com.
Save The Dates:
Family Field Days
March 25 and April 22
-Lawn games, bounce house, camp preview
-Swim safe registrations
-Swim competition
Bay Club Financial District:
Showcase – Fit & Furious Demo
Wednesday, March 22 | 5:00 pm-5:50 pm
Challenge your conditioning with 50 minutes of steady strength at a calculated pace. Build muscle, burn fat, and increase endurance all in one with instructor Sierra Johnson. Location: Fitness Studio.
Showcase Spartan X Demo
Wednesday, March 22 | 6:00 pm-6:50 pm
Join coach David and prepare your body for Spartan with classes from rope pulls, our Coit Tower hike, HIIT workouts, and more. Workouts inspired by the movie “300”. Location: Fitness Studio.
Event Booking
Want to host your next work team bonding event? You can now book a private lesson in our Fitness studio with one of our experienced Fitness Instructors for classes in Yoga, HIIT, Matt Pilates, and more! Plus, enjoy all the club amenities we offer if you book with us now! Email Charlie.Galvez@bayclubs.com for more info.
Workout Gear Sale
Forgot your workout gear? We are running 10%-15% off when you purchase any of our retail merchandise (Lululemon excluded). Visit our Pro Shop at our front desk lobby and check out some of our latest workout gear to get you pumped for your next workout!
New Products and Private Lockers
Need an energy boost? Visit our front desk lobby for an assortment of NEW protein bars and energy drinks pre and post workout! Charge to your membership and you’re ready to go!
Want a place to store your gear while you’re at the Club? Private lockers are available at Bay Club Financial District. Email Charlie.Galvez@bayclubs.com for more info.
Bay Club South San Francisco:
Daily Challenge Courts
Check out our daily challenge courts! Space is limited, so be sure to register on Connect.
Wilson Demo
March 19-25
Looking for a new racquet? Come demo the newest products from Wilson during our demo week and receive complimentary stringing for any purchased.
Upcoming Pickleball Leagues:
Spring 1 Competitive Mixed Doubles Partner League – 3.0-4.0
April 4-May 2 | 6:00 pm-8:30 pm
Spring 1 Individual Ladder League – 2.5-3.5
April 6-May 4 | 6:00 pm-8:30 pm
Spring 1 Friday Morning Individual Ladder League – 3.0-4.0
April 7-May 5 | 9:00 am-11:30 am
*Email Courtney.Patterson@bayclubs.com for more info.
Spring Junior Academy Spring
Our Spring Junior Academy Spring registration is now online. Visit Bay Club Connect or email Steven.Gilliam@bayclubs.com for more info.
Save the Dates
Mixed Pickleball League
March 23 & 30 | 6:00 pm-9:00 pm
In health,
Desone Parker
Senior Vice President
San Francisco Campus